Shouldn't the counterpart of informed consent (the 1st Principle) be accompanied by a fair compensation mechanism for those who share it?
It is this fair payment that will encourage citizens to share this data more; it is in the interest of all commercial companies to take this virtuous circle into account.
We can train, inform, involve the citizen, a 9th principle is missing, that of “Fair Retribution”
Let's continue by educating, training and raising awareness so that everyone takes ownership of this charter.
For this citizen involvement to be maximum, an 8th principle is needed, “Training and Awareness”
We must encourage citizens to actively participate in the governance of their data.
In the 7th principle, the cycle returns to the citizen: it is “Citizen Participation”
It would be contradictory for these digital commons to be put in place without effort to limit the ecological impact of our data and without adopting an approach that respects our planet.
When we talk about the common good, we need a 6th principle, that of “Sustainability and Ecological Impact”
For this there is a prerequisite the portability and interoperability of data between different platforms. These digital commons are essential to meet the fundamental needs of society.
The 5th principle is “Data Sharing”
Data should never be used for harm. Ethics are at the heart of this charter.
Naturally traceability implies “Ethical Use”, this is the 4th principle
Always in this spirit of trust, knowing the path of our data is essential. The citizen must know where they go, how they are used by whom and when.
The 3rd principle is to ensure “Traceability” Datas
Once consent is obtained, building trust is essential. This is why, we businesses, we communities, we politicians, we must have clarity and maximum security in the management of citizens’ data.
The 2nd principle concerns “Data Transparency and Security”
Indeed, it all starts with the citizen. Data is an extension of ourselves, and above all, each individual must clearly understand what they are consenting to, and have the freedom to challenge or revoke that consent.
The cycle starts with the 1st principle: “Informed Consent”
Indeed, like any cycle, it is about reassessing, innovating, continually improving, to encourage the support and consent of citizens in sharing their data.
Finally, we come back with the last and 10th principle that of “Innovation and Perpetual Improvement”
we worked collectively on the Data4U charter to develop10 principles directors who embody the essence of what we should all strive to be in the digital age.
This charter is built like a cycle, where the beginning and the end are inseparable, where each step feeds the next, thus creating a dynamic of constant improvement.
The Data 4 Charter you
Each adherence to this charter is a commitment to this cycle, a promise to put the citizen at the heart of everything, and to work for the common good. Together, let's promote these principles for a future where data is respected, valued and used judiciously.
Digital tools have the potential to bring invaluable progress to our society. We believe that if data and the knowledge associated with it are shared ethically, we can achieve extraordinary advances. Artificial intelligence, often perceived as a threat, is in our eyes a powerful tool for creating value, provided we recognize the inalienable nature of our data.
After all, this data is the result of our experiences, our thoughts and our interactions. Don't we deserve a copyright on them, a share of their market value?
Data governance is not only essential for us as individuals, but it is also essential for society as a whole. This is why we fully adhere to the DG4U Charter of the DG4SC. It recognizes the importance of putting people at the heart of data governance and ensuring that our rights are respected.
In conclusion, we invite you all to think about how you view your data and to join us in championing data governance that puts people at the center. Because, after all, our data is an extension of ourselves, and we deserve to have control over it.
We are living in a new digital age requiring us all to be aware of the growing importance of data in our lives. But let us ask ourselves an essential question:Do we view data as just a resource or as an extension of ourselves?
We firmly believe that data is an extension of our senses. Just as our eyes allow us to see, our data reflects who we are, how we feel, and how we interact with the world. It is therefore imperative that we, as individuals, have control over this extension of ourselves. Yes, we grant access rights to our personal data, but we must also have the power to revoke them.