The use of pooled property, material or intangible, shared on an ad hoc or permanent basis such as space, land, equipment, infrastructure, a resource, knowledge, a patent or even data is a complementary right inseparable from that of property. Its digital traceability must meet the ethical rules set out in the constitution relating to respect for individual freedom and with regard to the “Common Good”. Both the right to property and the right to use must respect the “Common Good” defined by the constitution.
Article 17a
Property being an inviolable and sacred right, no one can be deprived of it, except when legally established public necessity obviously requires it, and under the condition of just and prior compensation.
Article 17
Any Society in which the guarantee of Rights is not assured, nor the separation of Powers determined, has no Constitution. The Rights governing the digital world cannot in any way be different from those governing the physical universe. The link between these two universes must respect this universal rule that this last sentence adds.
Article 16
The Company has the right to demand an account from any public official of its administration. Law enforcement must ensure that digital technologies do not worsen existing inequalities.
Article 15
All Humans have the right to observe, for themselves or through their representatives, the necessity of the public contribution, to consent to it freely, to monitor its use, and to determine the amount, the basis, recovery and duration.
Article 14
For the maintenance of the public force, and for administrative expenses, a common contribution is essential: it must be equally distributed among all citizens, because of their faculties.
Section 13
The guarantee of human and citizen rights requires a public force composed, exercised and directed by human beings: this force is therefore established for the benefit of all, and not for the particular utility of those to whom it is intended. entrusted.
Article 12
Article 8
The free communication of thoughts and opinions is one of the most precious rights of the Human Being: every Human can therefore speak, write, print freely, except to answer for the abuse of this freedom in the cases determined by the Law . No entity that uses digital technologies can undermine the ability of Human Beings to exercise their freedom of thought, opinion and action without their explicit informed consent. It must guarantee human integrity through neutrality.
Section 11
Article 8
No one should be disturbed for their opinions, even scientific or religious, provided that their manifestation does not disturb the public order established by law. Any entity that uses digital technologies must ensure that they do not have a discriminatory impact on particular groups.
Section 10
Any woman or man being presumed innocent until declared guilty by the justice of "Human Beings", if it is deemed essential to arrest him, any rigor which would not be necessary for ensuring one's person must be severely punished by law.
Section 9
The Law must only establish proportionate penalties that are strictly and obviously necessary, and no one can be punished except by virtue of a Law established by Human Beings and promulgated prior to the offense, and legally applied.
Article 8
No “Human Being” can only be accused, arrested or detained in cases determined by the law of men, and according to the forms it has prescribed. Everything “Human Being” can only be accused, arrested or detained based on human and not “algorithmic” decision, including if this algorithm is based in whole or in part on the analysis of past decisions_22200000-0000-0000 -0000-000000000222_. Those who solicit, send, execute or have arbitrary orders executed must be punished; but all “Human Being” called or seized under the Law must obey instantly: he is guilty by resistance.
Article 7
The use of machines in decision-making processes must include explicit and understandable systems of systematic consent and the obligatory existence of an effective power of appeal (in opposition)
Article 6b
Digital technology is governed by a universal code which determines the limits of its uses in compliance with the fundamental principles of the Law. Every human being has the right to determination and clear, fair and transparent information on the terms of use of their identity and digital data. No entity can act contrary to these principles.
Article 6a
The Law is the expression of the general will and democratic (consensus). All humans have the right to contribute personally or through their representatives to its formation. It must be the same for everyone, whether it protects or punishes. All humans, being equal in the eyes of the law, are equally eligible for all dignities, places and public employment, according to their capacity, and without other distinction than that of their virtues and their talents.
Article 6
The Law only has the right to prohibit actions that are harmful to society, to the essence of every human being, including its extension into the digital universe, to the environment and to living things. Whatever is not forbidden by the Law cannot be prevented, and no one can be forced to do what it does not command.
Section 5
Freedom consists of being able to do everything that does not harm others, the environment and living things: thus, the exercise of the natural rights of each human has no limits other than those which ensure other humans and other entities the enjoyment of these same rights. These limits can only be determined by law. Decisions or prescriptions from machines are not authoritative.
Article 4
The principle of all Sovereignty lies essentially in the rule of law. No entity, no individual, no computer system can exercise authority that does not expressly emanate from it. Humans are sovereign over their identity, including digital identity, over the use of their data and over their right to informational self-determination.
Section 3
The goal of any political or economic association is the conservation of the natural and inalienable rights of Humans, while respecting physiological, social and environmental balances. These rights are freedom, property, security, integrity of the human body, access and disconnection from digital technology and resistance to oppression.
Section 2
“Human Beings” without exception are born and remain free and equal in rights. Digital data are the extension of human beings and their processing by third parties can only be based on respect for their fundamental rights, in the general interest.
Article 1
Every individual or human organization is inherently the owner of their personal data. On this basis, any process of exploitation or delegation of data respects a bottom-up decision model firstly involving the entity at the origin of the data. This implies that, in the data logistics chain comprising a producer, a distributor and a user, the producer is always associated with its dissemination and use. The ethical, technical and economic processing of personal data by third parties must be based strictly on respect for fundamental human rights, while respecting the general interest. This also implies the right to connect and disconnect as well as the right to delete data in compliance with the general interest defined by the constitution. If data must be considered as a Common Good, the principle of subsidiarity must always prevail.
The pre-eminence of human thought and understanding over machine calculation is a prerequisite for any decision-making process. Decisions or prescriptions coming from machines are not authoritative and must be able to be systematically contextualized and ultimately validated by human intervention within the framework of legitimate institutions to be created. This implies transparency and explanation of the intentionality of digital objects and algorithms (AI) generated from computer code.
Associating digital data, whatever its source, with human nature is fundamental to prevent humans from being transformed into commercial objects serving the economic governing machine. Data is therefore considered consubstantial with the human being. It is the extension of the senses, intelligence and reason, as well as human action. Consequently, the ethical, technical and economic processing of data by third parties is strictly based on respect for fundamental human rights, while respecting the general interest.
United and independent citizens, convinced that the technical and digital revolution is both a source of progress but also a generator of new risks for humanity, decide to bring a modern reading to the declaration of human rights and Citizen of 1789 to preserve the liberating spirit that he was in the world.
Resulting from this rereading, these citizens posethree principles fundamental for a social contract in the service of liberty, equality and fraternity:
More than two centuries ago, a handful of men, representatives of the French people, composed the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen. Defining “natural and imprescriptible” rights, such as freedom, property, security or resistance to oppression, it will continue to serve as a reference within our borders and a source of inspiration throughout the world. In 1948, when Humanity was barely emerging from the Second World War, the young United Nations developed, based on the model of the original declaration of 1789, a text with an explicitly transnational aim: the Universal Declaration of Human Rights , a fundamental element for any democracy, today translated into more than 500 languages.
In 2022, a new handful of women and men, brought together in a spontaneous collective of citizens and sharing the same questions about the place of digital technology in our lives, proposes to reread the founding text of 1789 to identify the new principles to be incorporated into our human organizations to respond to the challenges of our time. Digital technology is indeed generating a civilizational change that is certainly as important as that following the appearance of writing more than 5,000 years ago, as it structurally modifies our way of exchanging and interacting.
At a time when two orientations are mainly emerging before our eyes and with us, one favoring digital technology in the service of the power of control of individuals while the other elevates it to the service of the power of money, two axes which can moreover cohabit, it seems appropriate to question a third way which would devote digital technology to the service of humans, an enlightened and responsible human, better trained and informed, in harmony with their environments and their vital balances.
The current overhaul of our interdependent societies requires updating the simple and incontestable principles that we inherit, rediscovering the spirit of freedom and tolerance to adapt it to new times.
The object of this proposal is therefore, from a rereading of the founding text, to bring out in the form of principles the elements of structural change necessary to found a digital society which is synonymous with human progress preserving us from enslavement and impoverishment. The need to revitalize the principles of integrity of the Living, subjectivity and subsidiarity, the collective awareness of the risks of a predominant Artificial Intelligence, and our attachment to the promotion of a real Common Good, irrigate the proposed rereading of the 17 articles which have accompanied us since the 18th century.
These three principles are the subject of a universal digital code by determining the limits of its uses while respecting the fundamental principles of the law of the physical world.
With these 3 fundamental principles, we affirm the following articles:
Khaled AL MEZAYEN / President Inovaya
Elie AUVRAY / Co-founder of logion blockchain network, open source expert
Gilles BERHAULT / CEO of Stop Energy Exclusion
Christophe BESSON LEAUD / President Alliance Sens & Economy
Karin BORAS / Author
Geneviève BOUCHE / Futurologist Cybernetician and president ATENA
Laurent BOUILLOT / President SIRADEL
Ruben BOUHNIK / Square Sense Development Manager
Thierry CHAMBON / President Energy
Richard COLLIN / General Delegate Les Transitionneurs
Jean-Pierre CORNIOU / Consultant, president Agile.IT, co-president Institute of Economy
Benjamin COLBOC / Project Manager – Green Systèmes
Jean Roch COUSINIER / President KLOUD’ICI
Xavier DALLOZ / Xavier DALLOZ Consulting
Eric DARGENT / Urban Agriculture Expert – Director Mycelium
Isabelle DELANNOY / Writer and President Do Green Symbiotic Economy
Emmanuel DUFRASNES / Professor at the National School of Architecture of Strasbourg.
Joëlle DURIEUX / President of Lead Tech Club 101
Silvio D’ASCIA / Urban Planning Architect
Domenico di CANOSA / CEO J2INN Italia
Ella ETIENNE / President Green Soluce
Casey JOLY, Intellectual Property Specialist Lawyer, Associate Manager at IpSO Firm.
Stéphanie FLACHER / Co-founder LOGION blockchain network
Yann Le Floch / Digital Money Maker
Alexandra FRANCOIS CUXAC / President AFC Promotion
Emmanuel FRANCOIS / President of the MAJ endowment fund
Alain GARNIER / President Jamespot and president of Eiffel Power
Patrick GIELEN / Bailiff (Brussels) and secretary general of the UIHJ
Pascal HUREAU / Deputy Mayor in charge of digital – City of Montrouge
Leonidas KALOGEROPOULOS / President Entrepreneurs for the Republic
Alain KERGOAT / Managing Director / Urban Practices
Dominique LE BOURSE / President PoE TIC
André Charles LEGENDRE / President KALIMA DB
Yann LE MOEL/ Pufferfishpartner
Jérémi LEPETIT / Entrepreneur, founder of the Retreeb payment solution
Francis MASSE / Former Senior Civil Servant and President of MDN Consultants
Isabelle MATHE / Citizen
Matthieu MERCHADOU MELKI / President of the Florida Blockchain Foundation and President Magma
Pierre METIVIER / Digital and IoT Expert
Pierre NOUGUE / President Ecosys and President Reporters d’Espoirs
Emmanuel OLIVIER / President UBIANT
Pierre-Marie PACAUD / Citizen
Patrick PONTHIER / consultant, PoMConsulting, and former general delegate of the AIMCC
Nathalie PILHES / Vice-President of the EUCLID institute
Raphaël ROSSELLO / Investment banker, Invest Corporate Finance
Laurent SCHMITT / President Europe DCBEL Energy
Eric SEUILLET / President The Factory of the Future
Bernard SOULEZ / Advisor at Tech4What
Jean-Patrick TEYSSAIRE / President Electric Road
Dominique VALENTIN: President of Relais d’Entreprises and CEO of Vivrovert
Sabine VAN HAECKE LEPIC / Doctor of Law and teacher at Sciences Po
Jean-Marc VAUGUIER / President Z#BRE
Jennifer VERNEY / President VERNSTHER
Michel Volle / Co-president Institute of Economy
Arnaud BILLON / Researcher at IBM in computer ethics
Geneviève BOUCHE / Futurologist Cybernetician and president ATENA
Richard COLLIN / General Delegate Les Transitionneurs
Philippe DENIS / Director of Strategy & Aziade Theater Company Development and Chief Anticipation Officer Near & Far
Stéphanie FLACHER / Co-founder LOGION blockchain network
Emmanuel FRANCOIS / President Fond MAJ
Casey JOLY / Intellectual Property Specialist Lawyer, Managing Partner at IpSO Firm.
Alain KERGOAT / Associate Urban Practices
Aurélie LUTTRIN / Specialist in digital sovereignty and performance of territorial policies Founder of the Eokosmo Cabinet
Francis MASSE / Former High Civil Servant and President of MDN Consultants
Emmanuel OLIVIER / President UBIANT
Henry SCHWARTZ / Legal consultant specializing in territorial strategies
Jennifer VERNEY / President VERNSTHER